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Posts posted by paulchoate

  1. I was reviewing the recommended requirements for using Chief x9...CA recommends a 4 to 8GB graphic card! I can't seem to find a  reasonably priced computer with a 4-8 gig graphics card AND a SSD, 16 gigs of RAM, etc.  That pretty much means I gotta buy a $2,000 + gaming laptop. My current set up uses a Nvidia 1050 and seems to do ok....would upgrading to a 4, 6 or 8 GB card (Nvidia 1070, 1080, etc) make that big of a difference? The other problem is the cards are not plug and play in a laptop (not mine anyway) and it means I'd have to buy a new compute rather than just swap it out.  Any suggestions as to what a really good CA computer setup would be?

  2. Hello. I'm a design/build contractor in Fairfield County, CT who recently upgraded (major upgrade) to Chief Architect. I have been building/designing (residential remodeling) for twenty years.   I don't necessarily need someone to teach how to design; rather I need a experienced professional to give me a CA crash course over a short period of time (I'm a quick learner) in converting. I have several design projects on my plate and would love to get them done via Chief Architect rather than use my old software. I've been watching the tutorials and those are great but would prefer in-home (or I can go to you) one-on-one training. I missed the JLC two-day seminar in Providence RI :(.

  3. Hi everyone. I am a Build/Design contractor in CT. I recently purchased Chief Architect Premiere X9 (I had been using CADopia version 6 for the past 17 years which was fine but extremely tedious...drawing things line by line is daunting after a while...truth be told I never took the time to learn how to use it efficiently).  Now that I have CA I have a big learning curve to contend with.  I'm willing to put in the time to learn but it's very difficult to find the time to learn a brand new program and run my business at the same time.  That said, I was wondering if anyone is willing to donate or sell a generic sample set of house plans that I could upload to my computer so I can 1) Show potential customers what I can (or will soon be able to do for them) and 2) Use those plans as my template for now. I'm not necessarily asking for a freebie as I'd be willing to pay but of course if there is someone out there willing to help out a fellow build/designer that'd be great!

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