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Everything posted by shingabiss

  1. I added my signature as requested, added a photo but thought it would become my user photo in the wee circle lol, just added to the post. Anyone know how it's done?
  2. Kbird1 I have watched the tutorial 3x. It does not specify knee walls, just walls to create the side attic spaces; the top being the cavity above ceiling, those walls are there. I have named room types for the spaces on either side as 'attic'. I have deleted the truss base.
  3. I have X10. I will set up my signature. Thanks to all. I have attached the zipped plan file and the error screenshot. Ross Remodel
  4. What is the point of the signature? V10 Tried but it's too big to attach.
  5. Still no joy. Submitted a case but without support agreement it goes to the bottom of the pile lol. Any more ideas?
  6. The trusses are multiple copies of the original attic truss. I will try what you suggested. . Thanks
  7. I have the all the requirements for attic trusses set up and most trusses come out fine. Three trusses give me the error message. I've looked for differences near these trusses in room and other properties, no luck. Anyone else had this happen?
  8. I know one can choose which layers will calculate to the materials list, is it also possible to show only remodel materials in schedules?
  9. "The system is less energetic if domains of opposite direction alternate" Fudds law of opposition The Firesign Theater
  10. Thanks everyone. I reckoned it was a newbie issue lol.
  11. This table appears not to be like a spreadsheet with individual cells but more like a graphic that one has to put text in by dragging and manually aligning. Or am I missing something? This seems very odd and primitive for such a sophisticated program! Why not have actual cells, like Excel?
  12. The property window for schedules does not seem to have a way to exclude as-builts from schedules, other than a drop down to select a single room. I know one has control of what layers calculate to the materials list but not schedules. How is this done?
  13. I am not an architect but am a CAD designer making my own plans for remodels to my home. I have no problem using CA, rather like it. My problem is, having come from a mechanical CAD background, the specific look of plan layouts is vague to me and they come out looking amateurish, judging by some responses from contractors I've sent them to for bids. What I need are several real life architectural plans to become familiar with the look and feel but can't find much on CA site,
  14. Where are sample plans/layouts available?
  15. I get the following error message when trying to put framing trusses in: "Roof and ceiling planes cannot be found or they are too close together so cannot make truss" tt.plan
  16. I found the solid tools very limiting in CI so, being a Sketchup user, I tried exporting a porch I had created using the 3DS format and imported it. Worked well. I tried the OBJ format previously and had issues.
  17. Thanks Johnny. Thought I was missing something or had become a dumkopf lol. Are there actual handrails in some library? I see one can import STL and OBJ file objects. I will try this with Sketchup. Punch Pro had a "3d workshop", very clunky and hard to use. Does CA have something similar?
  18. I have created a polyline "handrail" object, as I was unable to find any in the library. I am trying to rotate it in the z/y axis for the stairs. One would think this would be the easiest thing in the world to do in a CAD program but I can't make it work. When I get the camera positioned just perpendicular so it would know how to rotate it, the rotate handle vanishes! Every time. I use Solidworks and Sketchup professionally and would think it wouldn't be an issue.
  19. It is in the "Floor" settings. Answered my own question lol.
  20. In the default settings, ceiling heights are grayed out in the "Rooms" section and can't be changed. Is the setting for default ceiling height somewhere else?