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Posts posted by BCNABE

  1. I opened an existing plan in X16 beta and a wraparound porch I had drawn has each corner post missing.


    This is a deck railing/fence wall type with 6x6 newels; newels/posts in railing dbx is set to "post to beam"; railing is set to "open".


    The corner newels are missing from the elevation view and also missing on the floor plan view.

    X16 Beta.JPG

    X16 Beta2.JPG

  2. Is there a way to adjust or lengthen the footing of a wall?


    In the attached image, at the top, I show a bearing wall with a footing and it looks correct - the footing goes beyond each end of the wall.  But if I add a wall to make it "L" shaped and that wall segment is non-bearing (no footing) the footing on the bearing wall will only go to the center of the non-bearing wall when in reality it should go beyond it (the red line that I have noted).

