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  1. Eric, I agree. There should be a list of "deprecated" features with each upgrade.
  2. This would make great models. A lot better than paper. The laser cuts out the sections and burns in all of the features.
  3. Yes, I know. Years ago I used the function to print on poster board. With the advent of new technology, I was hoping to rekindle my use of the function. While researching the latest in 3d laser printers, I was thinking the function could be used on the wood media to create models. Seeing how the printers work, it should be possible.
  4. Wow, that is very disappointing. I was considering a 3d laser printer such as GlowForge to create 3D models. Thanks for the feedback.
  5. Has the Print Model function been removed from X11? I can't find it under the normal menu, File>Print>Print Model.