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  1. Thank you so much! That is exactly what happened! All is right with the world again. Thank you both for your replies and assistance. I appreciate it.
  2. You are correct. I am using the Dan templates. We/I have edited them slightly. I believe the issue is most likely the description field and the macro. I'll check that and see if I can get it to work. The frustrating part is I have a complete set of plans from just a few months ago, in X13, using the same template, and everything works fine. So, Im sure Im missing something simple that I did previously and Im not doing now. Thanks for the response.
  3. Hello all. I am working in X13. I feel that I am missing something very simple here, but I just can't figure it out. I am creating elevation views and the note schedules in a cad detail. When I create the notes, the "note type" is showing up in the "description box" in the schedule instead of the actual note that I have entered. I have done this correctly previously and created plans with notes before and everything worked just fine. I even have the previous set open, but I can't tell what I did before, and what I'm missing now. I am attaching screen shots as it is much easier to visually see what I'm talking about than try to explain it. Thanks for any help. If I need to provide more info. by all means let me know. Thanks Mark Christian