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Posts posted by DianaK

  1. New issue. Don't know why but when I select a manufacturer, for instance a paint color, the drop down preview are not displayed. So if I look at Sherwin Williams under "reds", click on that & normally there would be mini icons of all the reds but that is no longer happening. Same thing with tile, plants etc. Is it a setting that somehow got turned off?

  2. Just as general comment on all this, I have been using Bullzip and most of the sheets turn out fine but exterior elevations are faint & have a lot of ghosting every time. I print Vector with no color & no shadows but still not good,.. some lines do not even show up in actual hard copy. Going to try CA printer, maybe give Foxit a try.

  3. When I group items together, such as kitchen island etc., and then attempt to save to the library, I get error messages. The first tells me a serious error has occurred (with the usual verbiage), then, depending on which box I click on, the program either crashes or I get a second msg. saying "Disk image is malformed". This is happening consistently and without exception. I did a reinstall to see if that would patch this back together but no success.

  4. Solver - that is very interesting. The only files that show up with the .calibz extension are the catalogs that I downloaded that do not appear, and they are in Chief Architect Premier X9 Data folder. There is a location on my WDMYCLOUD that contains all the zipped files that I installed prior to moving to the new computer but I'm not seeing anything with a date that reflects the time period that I was trying to download most recently so it does not appear that somehow they defaulted back to landing there. Could an entire folder be missing? I don't see how I could be accessing the items if that were the case.

  5. When I download manufacturer catalogs they are now going into a document / library folder by default (apparently) and not showing up in the actual CA library. Switched computers a few months ago and successfully got everything loaded on to the new one and downloading the bonus and mfg. went smoothly. Now I can't locate any of that stuff when I search through all files. Big mystery as they are not in the destination that the path suggests. I need to just move the new downloads but can't find any of the previous ones that are showing up and accessible through the library in the program. Tearing my hair out... What am I doing wrong?