Say one has a long continuous walkthrough with say 1-2-3-4 keyframes that wastes a lot of travel time to get from say keyframe 2 to 3 where the travel from 2 to 3 is really not necessary from what one is trying to showcase but one is forced to because walkthroughs seemingly have to be one continuous path. To eliminate this unnecessary 2-3 segment is there a way to create two walkthroughs 1-to-2 and then combine the two walkthroughs so that one has a single video of the first 1-to-2 keyframe walkthrough and then the second 1-to-2 keyframe, which technically starts at the 3 location, so one can eliminate the 2-3 segment in one's video? Or is there a way to create a 1-2-3-4 keyframe walkthrough and then tell the program not to record anything in the 2-3 segment (i.e. jump to keyframe 3) and thereby essentially get the same result, i.e. a video that shows 1-2 and then shows 3-4 but leaves out 2-3?