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  1. "toned" is where they spray finish either on the side(s) and/or under a wall cabinet without doing s flush finished side/end/bottom and is a no cost item for us. we just need to tell then where we want it. So I typically do it around the appliances and under all wall cabinets
  2. is there a way to add some different side types to the cabinet Specification? If I go to Cabinets Specs/Front/Sides/Back you get a drop down for side and a drop down for side type. I would like to adda side type. We call out "Toned Sides" next to all appliances and would like to add this. Thanks
  3. Joe I guess im still green as grass with CA what ar, and how do I get , "my Counter Top Macros"?
  4. I haven't been able to figure this one out yet and didn't see any answers here. is there a way to print just the countertop layout with dimensions? we usually just send this to our countertop people out of 2020 and they quote us based on that. didn't really want to have to draw it out each time. Thank you
  5. thanks for all the responses. We ended up going to the lake yesterday and Im just now getting back to this. Thanks again
  6. Admittedly I'm new to CA. tried to find this but didn't come up with anything Ive got a client that wants a closed toe area on each base cabinet. No big deal I thought but for the life of me I can figure how to "keep" the closed toe on base cabinets that are in between others. it keeps removing the closed toe on those and only keeps it on the end cabinets. see 1st picture Help Please 2nd question. Ive been looking for some way to make the crown she wants on the cabinets see picture 2 below, with no luck. like I said Im new to CA Thank you for any help
  7. New to Chief Having trouble figuring this out. When I add a wood kitchen hood. It doesn't have the "Molding" tab on it. How would I add crown to this hood? Thanks for your help
  8. Thanks Dennis and Mark I'll give these a try... Thanks for your help. Learning yet another S/W but feel way better about this one :-)
  9. Good Day, Brand new user to CA, so far so good. We've only had it a week and after going down the Prokitchen nightmare and 2020 restarts it seems like we are finally in the right spot. Really excited about what i've seen so far. We do mostly kitchen designs with custom cabinetry. Started watching training videos.....and I'm having trouble figuring out how to do island back panels. Saw the one about redoing a base cabinet for a wainscot door panel back. Questions: 1. is there a better way to do a wainscot door panel back? 2. How do I do a beaded panel back? Im sure I'll have more questions as we go along but these are the 2 that have stumped me so far. Thanks for any help Todd Sticks 2 Stones Cabinetry