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  1. David, that is an interesting idea. I could re-save all files I have -- on the newer Chief software to then open in the consumer software... whew. What a mess. I think I will try to get my motherboard fixed or repaired to work in XP again. I have ordered a consumer version which could do the simple floor planning for new projects but cannot retrieve the old Chief files to make modifications to existing plans. Which is not optimal. Thank you again.
  2. HD Pro and all consumer software will not open older Chief files. They took care of that issue.
  3. I don't print or plot anything typically. I send out pdf files to my clients to approve/review the plan layouts. I do not do my own CAD work, never intended to. I export to AutoCAD for my chief draftsperson to finish the set. I draw the elevations by hand. You can see some of my work here: http://www.dreamhomedesignusa.com I appreciate all your comments very much. The customer service people at CA said that none of the consumer versions will import V8 files. I will look into HD Pro if it can import my old files. Thank you
  4. Thanks for the response and assistance. I was looking at the scsi interface on the dongle. I found a contraption that might work to connect to a usb: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Adaptec-USBxchange-HD-50-PIN-SCSI-to-USB-adapter-EXC-COND-/301915294858?hash=item464b8dcc8a:g:CIQAAOSweW5VPV21 The problem still is that the V8 works only with XP.... ah well. Customer support at Chief claims that none of the consumer versions will open my V8 files. SO... I am looking for an upgrade that will be used only to create the floor plan, nothing else. Any ideas in this direction? Thank you
  5. I have used V8 for several years only to create plan layouts. I export to AutoCad to finish. I tried the first upgrade and the handles bugged the heck out of me. Now my XP computer with the dongle (remember those, ha?) just bit the dust. Do the old files import into any new program and what would you recommend upgrading to? Is there any other way to keep V8 and use a current MS10 software computer? Also, there are some consumer Chief versions out there I just noticed. Will any of these import my V8 files? Thanks for any help, JH