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Posts posted by WAYNEDSA

  1. Hello!!!! . I would like to take snap shots of a PDF (part page) copy it into my plan and then save them to my library . I have figured this out and goes well ......except.......... now here is the frustration - When I open another plan and copy the CAD block from my library to the new plan it is blank . Does anyone know why this would be and how to fix it ? . Its also not a layers thing  . Just blank .Thanks in advance !!!!!!!!!! .

  2. 2 minutes ago, DavidJPotter said:

    It is an unnecessary step by "Making a CAD Block" of a PDF because background images are programmed to be "IMAGES"  and not CAD blocks. Convert the PDF to a .jpg, .png or some other actual image file type, then add to Library as a backdrop image. If the PDF contains text or CAD detail type graphic data then it should be converted again to an image file format then added to the Library Browser as an image or texture at which time it will become available to future plans as such. Since I am not sure exactly what your purpose is and why you want to save this PDF to your LIbrary Browser I can only then guess as to your purposes as above. PDF files are usually just "Imported" to either plan or layout files for a single use purpose. What exactly is the nature of this PDF you are trying to save and reuse?



    Hi David , In NZ we have a prescriptive Building Code with GOVT supplied Compliance Documents that are all in PDF . So I can cut a section of a PDF (as in a window flashing detail) and use it as means of compliance for Building Consent . Be nice to then add them as library details . Easier than snap shooting or cutting every time . Long Story probably a different process then where you come from .

  3. 1 hour ago, Chopsaw said:

    Seems to work fine for me with pdf or jpg.  What version are you using?

    Hey Chopsaw ! I'm using the latest . The problem is when I go to use it again in another new plan maybe I have some template issues or settings wrong .

  4. I would like to create library files from pdf snap shots . However when i cad block and add them to my library they are only available on the plan I created them in . Help .

    So i take a snap shot , paste it in as an image , cad block it , send to library and like I said they are only available on the plan I created them in . Am i missing something or is this technology not quite there yet  ? . 

