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Posts posted by Doug-o

  1. post-1123-0-04897300-1411055906_thumb.jpgAggravating not to be able to specify a different pitch for roof returns in the "Auto roof returns" dialogue.  If the main pitch is 10 or 12 you want to do a 4 pitch return to get that classic Greek Revival look.  Using the same pitch is a mistake that shines out like a beacon whenever I see them.  Is there something I am missing and if not, Chief put this on you to do list, we use these all the time in New England and I have to build all the returns individually.

  2. To make a demo plan in Chief, go to the existing floor plan and turn off everything except the wall outlines.  (I have a separate layer set set up this way)  convert that to a Cad detail.  Change it's line properties to however you want to show the old walls on the demo plan.  make it a block and use the point to point move to align it precisely with the walls.  Place it on a separate locked layer.  Now, whenever you move or eliminate a wall it will show the wall that used to be there.  Chief could make this an automated feature, maybe I will suggest that.