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  1. Do you know how to make the foundation not show up on the 2d elevations?
  2. I was wondering if there's a way to control what elevation labels show up when you do the auto story pole dimensions in 2d elevations. I dont need window/door header heights, etc. I only need, grade, finished floor at each floor, bearing heights and top of roof. I have attached an image of a front elevation. Thanks.
  3. Thanks for the quick responses! The buildings are attached so I will probably go with Ray's suggestion. I was wondering if there's a way to make each floor plan 1 object to make it easier to move or copy. Kind of like a block or x-ref in AutoCAD. Thanks again.
  4. Hello, I am designing a 3 story "six plex" that will be 6 side by side copies of the same floor plan with minor differences at each end. I was wondering how to do this once I have the base floor plans for each story complete. Thanks!
  5. Hello, I am brand new to CA and wanted to find out how to create a typical detail sheet that I used in AutoCAD on my CA layout title block so it will match the rest of my drawings. Thanks!