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  1. Chopsaw was kind enough to spend some time discussing this with me on the phone and pointed me in the right direction. He suggested I try the Chief Architect PDF printer and that seemed to do the trick. Thank you very much Chopsaw!
  2. Here is the PDF file Carter Preliminary Layout.pdf
  3. I am having trouble with the output of my layout when printing to PDF. The view on my computer looks fine when the layout file is showing. The view on my computer looks fine when the PDF "preview" is showing. Once I press "print" the PDF has certain areas of various views that are very faded - like a somewhat opaque mask has been placed over them. Not every view has it. Shows up in mostly in framing views. I have tried printing the plan into different PDF viewers (pdf995, Adobe) - same results. I have sent live views to "View to CAD" and then sent to layout - same result. Never attached plan before so hopefully it works. I am using X8. Thanks Carter_Cabin_Prelimnary_Plan.plan Carter Preliminary Layout.layout