Partially covered deck- railing and post issues


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I am using the X15 version of Chief Architect. The plan I am working on was originally created by another drafter so I do not know all of the original constructions techniques.

The issue I am having is with the back deck railing.


As the pictures show, the deck is partially covered with the covered area needing Post to Beam rails. When I attempt to extend the railing wall to the other end of the porch, the posts are no longer spaced properly and the uncovered section of deck has unnecessary beams; however, when I use an invisible wall or room divider(also being used for the flat roof formation over the covered portion), the rail will clip through the post on one side, and does not connect on the other.


Is there a way to connect the two railings without them being one wall with the same properties, or is there a way to use the room divider tools to keep the walls flush without clipping?

All help is appreciated.

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