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  1. I added a 3d poly-line trim to the exterior of my front gable in cross-section elevation view. When I pulled up the orthographic full view, everything looks fine except that the upper part of the exterior wall is missing and I see through to the attic. It was fine in 3d before, just not sure what happened or how to fix. Any help or suggestions would be terrific!
  2. I am looking to make this type of archway on the front porch of our plans. Really like the five rows of brick ends creating arch entry. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Picture attached. Thanks in advance!!
  3. Thank you. Yes, I finally figured out schedule replicate. How do I get rid if ceiling defaults? Thank you so much.
  4. Good Day All! I think I have finally have it done! It has been a while, but I have made some adjustments to our home plan. I would love for anyone to take a peek and let me know how it looks for my first CA house plan. However, I do have a couple of questions. Thank you all for all of the help you give us newbies!! On the "plan view" in the foyer, there are two outlines of framing? or something? One is a small rectangular box in corner near entry, and long triangle in the same area. I can't seem to "click" on it to see exactly what it is and if it is really needed. Also, when I "show label" for windows (and doors) I get duplicate labels on 2017 floor plan set I can''t seem to do anything but either turn completely off, or on with duplicates showing. I would like to show type and schedule number on plan. Just not sure where I have duplicated label. Thanks again! KIM_and_BILL- FINAL- 2017 - Fanning St. -
  5. Here is the plan file. KIM FINAL- FINAL FLOOR PLAN_A_3bdrm_12 pitch_front 8_pitch_ back(roof rebuild).zip
  6. I have modified my floor plan. In the floor plan view everything looks fine. Deleted room is gone. In the 3d view, I see my new roof AND the old roof is on the ground where the old (removed) rooms/walls were. When I try to delete it, I have a foundation left. Is this just a quirk in the orthographic overview? My revised floor plan looks fine. Any suggestions welcome! Thank you!
  7. Thank you all! NOW, I will tell you that the home being designed is for my husband and myself. He is a home builder. We have not "designed" homes in the past, but we have lived in more than I can count and know what we want. I REALLY appreciate the help and suggestions. This is my first CA attempt. I have been reading and learning for a long time now and have A LOT more to learn. I do respect each and everyone of you for your comments and suggestions. I really should not have been nervous about letting you know this is a personal build. My husband has been building so many homes for so many years, now it's time to build our own. We do plan on having custom cabinets done where ever cabinets are needed, so that is why they are not perfect. More like place holders. Choosing specs is completely different from "designing". The plan has evolved many time over time. More fixes to do and adjustments to consider after reading some of your comments. Thank you again, everyone!
  8. Thank you Chopsaw. I will work on what you suggested. VisualDandD, this is a custom home. It is not a cookie cutter box house. The client doesn't want large extra bedrooms. Not sure what you are referring to as wacky crazy dimensions. This is what the customer has sketched out for us and I am just trying to doing as the customer wants whether it is my taste or not. They do have some requirements for their HOA. Minimum ceiling height is 10'. 12 pitch roof, etc... They want higher ceilings in a few of the "social" rooms. That is up to them as long as they meet their HOA requirements. That is why it is a CUSTOM home, not stock. Thanks anyway.
  9. I believe I am just about ready to send my first CA house plan set to our engineer for looking over and approval. I do have one section of roof that I need help with. I have tried everything that I know and still not getting result. May simply be because I have stared at it too long and need fresh set of eyes Need to fix it before exterior brickwork can be finalized. The clients are required to have a 12 pitch roof. Ceilings min. height 10 ft. There are a few areas in the home where the ceilings are higher. The rooms are labeled in my plan. The area where I am having the roof problem is the corner on the right side of the house where the WH closet (ceiling height 10 ft) meets the bedroom 2 wall (ceiling height). Normally this would not be a problem, but I have made the exterior wall taller on the WH and bedroom 3 side as this wall is shared by the game room which has 11 ft ceilings (necessary for equipment going into that room). Also, if you notice anything else I am over looking before finalizing brickwork...I would love any help and / or suggestions. I am a newbe to CA but love the learning experience and look forward to doing more work with it in the future for our clients. Thank you in advance for any advise. This is the BEST supportive forum I have experienced online, thank you! Kim's FINAL FP - WITHOUT
  10. Oh my, thanks for "thawing" my brain freeze! Too many late hours at work. Thanks again.
  11. I have an enclosed porch. I need to have brick on both sides of the exterior wall. A poster posted a picture of what I am referring a couple of years ago while asking a different question. This is what I am trying to accomplish (lower right-hand corner). Thank you in advance!
  12. The dangling connection to attic will be connected. When I connect the electrical connections, is there a symbol that shows it's connected? I see a symbol and thought that I had it connected, but I guess not.
  13. When I go to use Plan Check it gives me multiple errors for electric connections. I have my switches connected to lights, but program still calls them out as not connected. What am I missing? Here is my far. Kim's FINAL FP - with
  14. This is what shows in my camera view. It looks okay in floor plan view, but I see gaps at the vertices in camera view. ceiling.pdf