The "unusual" roof pitch directions are because of a combination of drainage and looks...this building is an accessory structure in our urban backyard. The inside of the L-shape borders a big concrete patio in our yard, but the rear will be directly up against a property line, so I can't have any drainage or any windows on the back, etc etc. I can't even have an overhang. For the building, the county is mostly picky about drainage, and we're on about a 10% grade.
In California, we get very little rain and are in drought conditions now. But when it rains, it pours, and I have to have good drainage in place to get this through permits. The double doors open toward the house and the lowest grade. I'm building a drain channel in the front toward the driveway and the concrete patio. Planning to incorporate rain barrels and a garden basin. Since I can't have the high sides above the doors, I have gable sides above the doors, with gutters when I figure out how to add them there! I'd also like to figure out better how to control the pitches on the roofs, but a simple pitch is okay for now.
I'm attaching my plan if you're interested! cheers, Ann