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Posts posted by Daydream

  1. Thank you Larry Hawes


    Your post was very helpful.


    I have Chief Architect since I think 2010 and have updated 3 times.  I am considering updating to X7. It just looks soooo cool.  I have drawn all kinds of designs and my friends and family love them.  Lots of friends and family have used my designs for various projects.  I even won a contest once for a 12,000 sq ft commercial building.


    This is my first opportunity to actually charge a customer and I am a little nervous,  I don't want to do anything that would be considered improper or illegal.  So I am trying to do my homework.


    When I tried to find out about classes they kept referring me to interior design or something else equally wrong.


    So thank you everyone who have given me some direction.

  2. I just got my first customer willing to pay for one of my designs. Which has caused a few dilemmas.


    Last year we built our house that I designed and my husband was the General Contractor.  I do have some knowledge of the construction trades and terminology.


    Question 1:  I would like to take some classes in order to be a better designer (not an architect) but am unsure what type of courses I should be looking for.


    Question 2:  I do not know how to refer to what I do, I am not an Architect, but am I a designer or is it more than that?


    Question 3: As far as how to charge for home designs, landscapes or remodels i do not know where to even start ????? any suggestions here would be extremely helpful.


    Question 4:  If anyone has a questionnaire they would be willing to share, to give to a customer to determine what design style they would like would be very much appreciated.


    Any help given in any of these areas, like I said, would be extremely appreciated.


