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Everything posted by Lakeview

  1. Thanks, Jon. That 'almost' worked. I was able to use that app to get some elevation data. But, when I tried to import the GPX file into CA, it failed. No message that explained why. I then took the elevation data from the app and manually entered the points into my plan. That seems to be working OK. I may need to go out and take some more points to get a more accurate view of the terrain.
  2. I am designing a house on a rectangular lot with a gentle slope from one corner to another. I read that I can import GPS data into my plan to build the terrain. Can someone point me toward some basic instructions on how to do this? Can someone recommend an android app that I can use to capture the elevation data? I thought I had read at one point that I could get an app that I could turn on and walk the perimeter of the lot to capture elevation data. But, now, I am having trouble locating the right app. Any tips would be much appreciated.