Okay, so I think I've figured it out. Thanks Joe for keying me in on the build foundation wall trick. I found I could slightly modify this solution with the following:
1) Build foundation using the monolithic slab radio button. (this builds the HD default monolithic slab with 12" deep 16" wide edge footings and 4" x 4" chamfers to the 4" thick slab)
2) On the foundation level, select each foundation wall and modify the details in the Foundation tab of the Footing Specification.
3) Footing width, footing height, and Chamfer width, Chamfer height, can then be set to what I need.
4) I found that the Curb Width has to be set to my footing width for the house foundation, and stem wall width for the garage.
Thanks for the help. I'm sure I'll have more questions in the future.