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  1. Bill, Thank you. So simple really, but I was overthinking the situation. You sometimes need to take a step back, or, ask for help. Great forum! If anyone is interested in checking out GigaCrete, it could be a great alternative for those looking for a home (or retro fitting an existing home) with a Green theme that has strong long term viability. Marty
  2. I have a House and a Detached Garage within a Plan that has Imported Terrain Data (5.4 Acre Lot), and the lot has significant elevation change with a plateau running at the top where the house is located, and two ravines either side of the plateau. As such, the Detached Garage is going to be below the plateau, and I need the Garage to be about 4-6' lower in elevation from the House elevation. I do not want to adjust the Elevation much, as I will only be able to backfill a small area with the excavation from the basement of the House, but would prefer to lower the elevation of the Detached Garage. I've seen several posts where it is "easy" to have multiple structures within a single plan, but I can't figure out how to make the adjustment. I've seen recommendations of using additional "floors" or "levels", but I am about 1/2 the height of the Basement level vs. the Floor 1 level for the Garage. So, I don't think the floors/levels will help much. Ideas? Suggestions? I can't bring in Earth Movers to regrade the entire lot. Oh, and by the way, I am building the home with the GigaCrete Building System that provides a steel stud framing around a 6" thick rigid foam panel (nearly R-30 insulation value), coated with a Magnesium Oxide Stucco on the Exterior (3500 PSI impact strength, waterproof, mold proof, hail resistant) and the same Magnesium Oxide Plaster Interior (8500 PSI impact strength, mold proof, and faux texture friendly). Sustainable, Green, and a lifespan that blows stick framing out of the park!!!. I appreciate your help and ideas. Marty Premier X6 Intel Core i7, 2.6 GHz CPU 16 GB RAM Windows 8.1 64 bit OS