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Posts posted by DaveFite

  1. Follow up question...


    The auto-dormer tool requires a back wall to connect to. (My problem from above)  My initial though was to just have a dormer without any interior wall (maybe there's a different term other then dormer?)


    The floor I want to add this 'dormer' to has a short (3') exterior wall.  I'd like to just add the dormer, increasing the exterior wall height at the dormer and then have the two dormer roof planes created.  New wall created under those roof planes down to the original roof plane that's being cut out.


    Is this just something that has to be done manually?

  2. Thanks Greg.


    The wall your suggesting 'along the dashed ceiling line', is this a real wall or just something the tool needs? I thought the wall the dormer was attaching to was a perimeter wall???


    I wish the HD forum was as active and knowledgeable, it's not so that's why I asked here.

  3. I'm using Home Designer Pro 2015 (Build


    Every attempt to add a dormer results in "Cannot find walls for the room to which the back of the dormer should connect."  I checked the documentation and can't seem to figure out whats going on.  I did try changing the room type from unspecified to Attic.  That didn't work and removed ceilings!


    Another set of eyes to point out some obvious trivial oversight on my part!  Any experts with a solution? 

