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Everything posted by KKB9750
It shows that chief is set to my NVIDIA
I think my issue may be related to Johnny's issue here but I didn't want to hijack that thread if it isn't (I'm on Windows 10). I was using chief last night with no issues. This morning when I went to do a camera view, it took forever to render and then it looks all crazy (see attached). My first thought was that my video card was dying, but after some investigation it doesn't look like that is the issue. When I look in preferences, it shows that chief is using my . I've followed the steps in Kbird's post for changing the setting in the NVIDIA control panel and I've set my Windows Graphic Settings per those instructions. I've restarted my system, but chief keeps using my intel graphics card. Anyone else run into this? Any ideas on why it would just change overnight (I saw Kbird's post about NVIDIA drivers updating, but I had to update my drivers manually as part of the triaging today, so I don't think that would caused it).
Thanks so much Eric! I see what I was doing wrong now. I was actually attempting to adjusting the hole, but I wasn't thinking about making it match the roof plane, which makes total sense in hindsight. The video was super helpful!
Not sure exactly what you mean by this. My first thought was to modify the roof plane to cover the cutout from the wall below, but when I highlight the roof plane I don't have any modification handles on the section of the roof around the dormers, just the edges of the plane. Also, it looks like the roof plane is covering the artifact.
Scott - I couldn't open your model because I only have x12 Eric - I appreciate your video and I was able to follow along. It totally fixed the inside problem, but it resulted in an artifact on the outside now that I can't get seem to get rid of, any thoughts? Workshop Baseline.plan
Thanks a lot guys! Haven't gotten a chance to try it yet but I appreciate the help.
I'm having some issues with the rendering of the point where my dormer ceiling joins the rest of the ceiling in the attached plan. The roof planes for all 3 dormers look the same in my working plan view, but when I do a camera view two of them have weird rendering issues. Is there something I'm missing to make the interface between the dormer ceiling and the rest of the ceiling look right on the vertical walls? The dormers and roof planes were all drawn manually so I could have messed something up, but I'm not seeing it. Workshop Baseline.plan
Oh and here is the corrected plan dormer test.plan
So I've gone in an corrected the slight differences in the ridge lines by recreating the roof planes. All primary roof planes have the same baseline, pitch, and ridge top, the two dormers have the same baseline, pitch, and ridge top, and the dormers and primary roof planes have the same ridge top. However I still have the same issue as above (as well as another visual artifact I've pointed out in my _1 picture below. Is there a solution to these imperfections? Are they indicative of some actually issues in the way I connected things or are they purely visual? In my mind, it seems like I should be able to join the dormer plane with the primary roof plane by selecting the dormer, pressing 2, and clicking on the primary plane like I've shown in my _2 picture. But that just generates the zero length error I cited above. Thoughts?
Thanks for the response Shane and I see what you mean about the attributes not lining up. Not sure what happened on the pitch and such, but in theory, could the dormer and the primary roof have the same baseline since one is set on the dormer wall and one on the side wall?
First off, thanks to the contributors on this site. After some diligent forum searching I managed to solve the majority of my dormer issues. However, I'm still having an issue with getting the roof planes on the gable side to join properly. I've recreated my issue in simplified plan attached. As shown, the dormer roof planes extend to the edges of the primary roof planes and I thought I should be able to just use a join function to merge a dormer plane to its corresponding primary plan, but whenever I do I get the "Cannot move these roof edges without making adjacent edges cross one another or making one of them zero length" warning. These dormers happen to be symmetric so I can successfully join the two dormer planes at the ridge line, but it creates some strange overlap artifacts as shown in the picture. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, dormer test.plan
Thanks for the advice!
This might be less of a CA question and more general design question, but I'm looking for some feedback/ideas on how to close this gap in my roof planes in the plan attached. Seems like there should be a simple solution..but I'm just not seeing it. Is it just a poor design? Thanks for the feedback! Roof Question.plan
Thanks Shane! This did the trick. Point taken about building them manually in the future though.
Auto Dormer question: I've got this strange display artifact going on where my auto dormer walls meet my interior walls. Has anyone seen this before and what can I do to fix it? I've attached a picture of the issue and the plan below. Thanks! dormer test.plan
Perfect, hadn't thought to make the runner the whole width of the stairs. Thanks!
Hello, Can I only select one material for both the riser and the trim material within a stair specification? I'm trying to show a carpeted stair with a wood trim board, but it seems like I can only select one material for both the trim and the riser. Am I missing something? Thanks
Well I discovered that this was a user error issue. My plan is a story and a half and my second floor is only 24" tall so I was apparently selecting the first floor wall, not the second floor wall because it was tucked up beneath the eave. However, I have attached a dumbed down version of my plan an if anyone has any ideas on how to get these roof planes to match up correctly I would appreciate the advice. Roof Test.plan
I suspect you are correct I'm not at my primary computer right now, so I'll post it up this evening. I just figured I'd throw it out there in case there was something simple I was overlooking.
Yes, I tried it both ways actually.
I'm having a problem with the Change to Gable Wall(s) button. I have an offset L shaped plan that results in a corner as shown in the picture. I would like to make both of these walls into gable roofs. When I hit the button, the button changes to the Change to Hip Wall(s) icon, but the wall doesn't change. I've also tried opening the wall object and checking the Full Gable Wall option as well with no luck.