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Everything posted by nlshamrocks

  1. Thats what I was afraid of. I guess the VISA will have to take a hit then. lol. Is there a location where it specifies what the various changes were between versions? Thanks for your quick reply Gawdzira.
  2. Hi everyone. First time poster here so please be kind. Love the forums. A tremendous amount of information here. I purchased Chief Architect X2 way back when and was using it for quite a few years before I kinda stopped designing houses for a few years. I used it periodically for myself and for family designs. However, I am wondering about upgrading. With the cost of upgrading from X2 to X7 being $1595 is there any way to upgrade in stages as I can not afford the $1595 upfront. So is it possible to upgrade from X2 to X3 and at a later day upgrade to X4, etc? Or is it just worth saving up until I get the necessary funds to upgrade to latest and greatest? Thanks everyone. Happy Designing Russ Chief Architect X2.....