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  1. Thanks so much for posting the video, that makes total sense now! I'll give that a go and see what I get with it. Much appreciated!
  2. @solver I apologize, your answer was a little too vague for me to understand how you did that? Would you be able to share that house file so I can take a look at it? I'm using Chief Premier X10. I'm not sure if you you're saying that I should build everything manually? The part that I'm struggling with is that when make the 1st floor (lower basement floor) small that the upper, the foundation wants to go all the way to the 2nd story (main floor) roof. I think I'm missing a setting there somewhere. Thanks again for all your help!
  3. Hello, I'm working on a design and I'm not sure how to accomplish it with Chief. The lot is sloped such that we'll need to create a lower "Basement" floor, but it will actually have a sub floor above a crawl. As you can see from the pics, the garage will be grade at the back and then we'll be filling to get grade to the front door. But I'm not sure in Chief Architect how to get the lower "first" floor to only be a partial floor and still have the foundation work. You can see that the garage door wants to go below grade and be on the "first" floor. Any tips on how I either create a daylight basement with sub-floor, or a first floor that doesn't extend over the whole foundation would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Nick
  4. @Vhampton, thanks for the tip. I figured out the problem. I had started with the normal plywood texture, and not the Plywood-hrz.jpg The Plywood hrz has a pattern to it already, and when it's scaled, allows you to make the desired look. I will say that I do find it kind of frustrating that there isn't a way of tiling any texture with a grout line. The texture pattern overrides anything that you try and set up with the material... kind of annoying. @jcaffee, I appreciate the feedback, and I'm definitely looking to learn more about the Wall Material Region. But I'm not sure how that tool allows you to create the seams on a repeating pattern. Do you combine it with another tool to get the pattern to repeat? The picture you attached earlier looks great, BTW. Thanks, Nick
  5. Hi All, I dying here. I thought I had a handle on what to do, but no matter what I do, I can't seem to get the same look as with VHampton's method above. I'm using X6, but I'm new to CA so I'm not sure what the problem is. Here are my screenshots of my material spec. Any tips? Thanks, Nick