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  1. Clients want a "blueprint" to frame for their old house remodel.
  2. Thanks for your replies. I tried using layout with a blue background image and I think that would eventually work with a lot of tweaking. I finally tried opening a PDF of the file in Corel Draw, then selecting all, transform, invert colors and adding a blue background. Here's a copy of the PDF blueprint. Plot Plan Blueprint.pdf
  3. Any suggestions as to how I could convert an existing plan so that it would print in the "old style" blue background with white lines?
  4. Courthouse GH.planNeed help with creating framing for plan with parapet walls with roof that slopes in the long direction but with TJI's going across. (see attached framing and plan). I can think of several ways to do it cosmetically but I need accurate detail for framer. I can get the roof/ceiling I want except that its flat and I need a 1:12 pitch for both roof and the underside ceiling. Thanks for your help