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About Kreg_Joue

  • Birthday 03/18/1961

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  • Location
    Venice, FL
  • Interests
    Designing and Building Homes, Sail Fishing, and Family Time

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  1. I tried out Cedreo and was messing with adding railing to the porch. It is like a paint program in areas, no snapping and you are just joining lengths of railing to each other. So I deleted my account. When I searched "Chief Architect vs" into google, a link showed up as The Chief Architect alternative. Yeah... no.
  2. If you are talking about the "tile" on the two columns, you might just try stretching your tile in the horizontal until the vertical lines are hidden behind the stone columns.
  3. That is great. I did not know this. I'm assuming they would also have a riser count?
  4. You need to add a wall between the two rooms and then put a door opening in and raise the header to the 9' ceiling. Then hide the opening Label
  5. I typically add a door opening and turn off the casing and jamb. Then the attic walls build above.
  6. I was looking into this and was wondering if it was sent to layout and use the layout line options from the view.
  7. I do not think this is the place for Home Designer. This is for Premier. Hope you find what you're looking for.
  8. Wow! That is a beautiful rendering. Just browsing the forums to get a feel of Chief and how this all works.