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  1. Short answer, this is my own house I'm currently designing. Yes, I will get truss drawings from the manufacturer, but to keep the model as close to "real" as possible, I will still want to model the truss per their design, but now I know I will need to manipulate the truss after the fact. Was just making sure that I wasn't missing something that let me keep it accurate OOTB. Let me know if you want the long answer lol.
  2. Thanks for the reply, I figured that was going to be the answer to my question....just lock and copy.
  3. I forgot to note that the orientations of the side rooms are not like in the plan example I supplied. In the plan I'm working on, the side rooms come off on a 10 deg skew and are not perpendicular. The angle is drawn on the exterior sides of the walls creating a courtyard.
  4. Apologies if this has been beaten to death but I cannot find a solution on the forums and I just can't find an automatic way of fixing this issue. I'm using X16 and modelling parallel chord trusses, as soon as the truss is over a wall where the room on the opposite side has a lower ceiling height, the truss seems to ignore the top plate and extends the seat of the truss lower (at the adjacent ceiling height) or doesn't cut at all. Looking for advice, is this a sunk cost fallacy and I should just lock a working truss to copy over these zones or is there a setting I'm missing that accomplishes it? The attached plan has a few different methods I tried without success. questions.plan