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Everything posted by FairOaksStudio

  1. I am having some troubles and have looked everywhere online for a solution but can't seem to find one. I send my elevations and cross sections to layout and the line weights look fine to me. I go to print to PDF and suddenly some of the elevations line weights are much thicker than before. Seems to be very random as some elevation lines are normal still. I haven't touched anything but received an error "#272032247 - The line weight scale in your layout is not the same as in the view being sent to layout. As a result, line weights in that view will not be correct. Line weight scale can set in the Drawing Sheet Setup dialog." so something must have happened on my end. Any help would be much appreciated! I am desperate Note: I did have to remove the program and reinstall it a few days ago.
  2. Hi there, I am hoping that someone can point me in the right direction here. I have successfully built a split-entry home with a gable roof style; however, I need to make an A-Frame entrance. Photo Below. Any recommendations welcomed. Thanks!
  3. I need to make some space on my laptop hard drive and was wondering if I am able to delete the 3D product libraries located on my computer once they have been successfully imported into the Chief Architect program? If I delete them off my computer, will they also be removed from the program? Thanks!