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Everything posted by 7thStudio

  1. Thank you for this step by step. It seems to be okay but nothing improved in terms of the file. Where can I post my plan file?
  2. Hi! I am getting this warning all of the sudden constantly in my drawing and it has slowed things down incredibly. Does anyone know what I need to fix? The warning is "Pout number for a slab footing does not match a room pour number.
  3. Wondering how best to go about adding this roof detail with window transom that opens up the front porch. I was thinking a floating dormer but it isn't liking the roof pitches. Not sure if anyone has done this detail before that can help! Thanks!
  4. Hey! Having trouble drawing a set of stairs from a second story deck to the ground level that are set within the overall deck footprint. I autostairwell'd the stairs to remove the deck floor that was impeding on the stairs but then it creates interior walls around it and doesn't leave it open for deck railings. Let me know if anyone has had better luck with exterior deck stairs! thanks!
  5. I am wondering how best to go about creating a hole cut out in the bottom of a cabinet to show the hood insert being displayed on a custom hood design! Thanks!