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Everything posted by Rataridicta

  1. Hey, for some reason, my glass shower walls don't show up as actual glass in 3D. (See below) I've even copy pasted the straight walls in the hope of them appearing as glass but without success. Does anyone have an idea?
  2. 0:00:06 when using your settings. I'm using an AMD FX 8350. Try checking your threads using the task manager. If they're not all at 100% while ray-tracing that might be your problem. If you are eager to get more performance out of your system you could try and overclock your AMD chip but you should be careful with that particular chip.
  3. By offsetting a line you create a parallel line which is the same distance to the original line/shape at every point. For example; I'm currently making the door shape from a top down view and hand drafting it which of course is inefficient and un-precise. I would like the door to be a fixed 8mm in the drawing, just like it would be in reality.
  4. Do you also happen to know whether or not there is an offset function that I can use for these doors?
  5. In one of my plans I want to create a shower cabinet of non-standard shape. (As seen below) Now, I want to start the door on the right parts of the slab in order to have a wide enough passage way. To make it all appealing however, I want to make a door that actually looks like a door and is preferably hing-able. So; does anyone here know how to make a custom (hingable) door, that is straight for about half of its length and arched for the other half?
  6. Thank you! It is working beautifully! For now I'm trying to keep it modest. Working out some simple objects.
  7. Hello, For a bathroom I'm designing I want to make a custom bath and shower. Now for this I have made a CAD drawing in my plan. I am however unable to elevate this CAD drawing in order to make it a 3D object. Can someone tell me how to do this? Thanks in advance!