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  1. Carroll v1.planHello, I am self taught in Chief Architect for my family's Remodeling Company, so I definitely don't always build correctly in Chief and often have the hardest time with roof planes. My most recent client is having an addition put onto the back of their house, but I am having a hard time with the roof and want to do it correctly. I have the walls of the house drawn, but every time I get the back porch walls drawn, it messes up the gables on the back. What am I doing wrong, and or how to I go about fixing this correctly? (Looking at the back) We are planning to add a two story addition to the right side gable, but I can't get it to look like the original. Chief Architect Premiere X15. This is my first time asking anything in here so if I am missing information or put this in the wrong spot please let me know! I tried to attach the plan file as well but I am not sure of it worked or not. Thanks in advance!