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  1. @JiAngelo I just wanted to say thank you for taking your time to reply. These were helpful illustrations. I've been reviewing this topic here and elsewhere and it just appears to me as though you cannot really accurately take an "empty" Imperial template and draw in it by setting the units to Metric because, as you illustrate, if I enter in 25mm, I believe that CA will draw it as 1" and this is not accurate. I love that you shared the decimal accuracy chart - I have never seen that or heard about that. Thank you!
  2. @DBCooper thank you. To confirm, if millmeter accuracy is what I am needing, then the best plan is to start with a Metric template and customize it to make my own template?
  3. I see plenty of answers that say you cannot accurately convert an existing imperial plan to metric without loss of accuracy....but I am trying to figure out if I can convert imperial plan templates and imperial layout templates (blank ones - which do not yet include a design) to metric without creating issues with the accuracy as the deisgn progresses. I have read that converting existing imperial plans (with walls and designs in them) into metric results in a loss of accuracy as CA rounds down to the nearest fraction of an inch which is less accurate than a millimeter. I am working with European cabinetry and need millimeter accuracy. I have access to some great imperial plan templates and layout templates that I could use (to save time from building my own from scratch) if converting them to metric before I start drawing will be accurate to the millimeter. Otherwise, I need to build my own template from the out-of-the-box CA metric templates which will take time.