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Everything posted by JMill7

  1. Sadly I think that may be it, I am running a Intel Iris Plus Graphics 1536 MB graphic card.
  2. Every time I go to use my camera I am seeing the sky with some outlines of objects. Anyone else having this issue? I tried redownloading it with no luck. Thanks!
  3. Hi, I am new to using Chief and I created the framing with the auto generator and it does not look clean to me. I made some adjustments when creating my plan so wanted to see if someone could review and provide some feedback. Thanks in advance. 133 Ruddsboro Rd.
  4. Thanks, it did not work for me. Yes, the move handle is not showing up when I hover over the walls.
  5. Okay, thank you. Will see if there are other suggestions but I have tried so many different things. Any suggestions on why the move function is not showing on the walls?
  6. So the issue I am having is the move handle is not showing up on the walls no matter how many times I try or resize it. The same issue was happening on the exterior wall and but the move handle showed up and I right clicked and selected match properties and it fixed the issue for the exterior wall. 133 Ruddsboro Rd.
  7. Hello, I have a plan that shows only certain walls that are misaligned. It looks like it is happening at the floor levels but I have removed the flat ceiling. What am I doing wrong?
  8. I have added a railing to my plans, just needed some guidance on the stairs which is exactly what TT offered up! No impending lawsuits here, haha! Thanks for the reminder, its a good callout.
  9. Amazing!!! Thank you so much! I think I played with it for 4 hours trying everything under the sun
  10. I am looking to change the individual tread length on a stair section so that the lengths alternate. This is a U shaped stair and on the first section I would like to alternate between 78" and 39" for each tread. Is this possible? I see the sizes in the components list but no way to adjust them. Picture attached for what I am trying to accomplish. Thanks in advance!