There is a post reply from Chief Architect on File Header Not Found that I am hopeful is old. I saved my file last night, but did keep the program open. This morning the program was closed so I went to reopen the file I saved last night, and get the error message File Header Not Found. I researched the resolution, but it appears none exists and this is by design, WHICH IS NOT OK. This sounds like a simple out of sync from file header next number to file detail next number to keep the header and detail files together. If there is a resolution, please let me know. Chief Architect, if there is no resolution except start over, so sorry for you customer, please read on, this is just simple 1990's level programming and you should do better at 199/mo.
Have you guys updated your programming to be able to modify the header next number to the detail file next number so clients don't lose hours, weeks, months of data. I'm finding myself in the same quandary as other customers. I saved before going to bed last night, this morning, I try to open the file and get header cannot be found. I went to research and found this article, which for this day and age and the price of your program, this is totally old school programming we had in the 90's and an old school answer. You should be able to accept a users file, look at the next number of the detail file, then edit the header file number to match and allow the out of sync to go away giving a true result to the customer.
My hope is this is a really old answer, and I can email my file that I have spent weeks working on and it will be usable. The other thing I'm seeing is the auto save and file revision. If you aren't going to make a way for header and detail files to be put back in sync, then at least do basic windows revisioning in your local drive so it shows when a user right clicks on the properties and clicks the versions tab, they can pull one of the last auto saved versions. Again, we've had this for about 25 years now. At $199/mo, this is very basic stuff that should be incorporated into the stability of your app.
Please let me know if there is any hope for my file giving the header not found error message, if there is not, please help future customers by looking at some standards in your programming.