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Posts posted by Shpyda

  1. I'm trying to model my home and am hitting a few issues with my roofing. Per the photos, I have a multi-pitch roof, which I was able to accomplish surprisingly, but I cannot get this return (shown with red squiggles) to not show up. I can manually delete it, but it always regenerates when I have to make a roof change. I've looked at every wall internal and external to try and see if I have an improper setting and it just won't go away.


    In the second photo, I have a scenario where the roof of the bay door and boxed window are supposed to tie in to the roof incline in close proximity. I've included the actual picture so you can see what I'm going for. I'd like to believe I have the roof pitch correct as I physically measured it. I have all 3 roof sections reflecting 10" in 12 pitch, but am unable to make them come together in the desired way. Any ideas on what I'd need to change to make these things work?


    Thank you,



