We create an exterior house model in chief and then import it in max to do further detailing ,for this we require a roof plane without any thickness so that in max we do not get 2 roof planes overlapping and matches the cad elevation exactly.
When we create a roof in chief 10 it is in form of a single plane without any thickness but in chief 16 when we create a roof it has 2 planes that is it seems to have thickness of min 1/16.Can this thickness be reduced to zero.
How do we get the different material exterior wall corner condition in chief 16 as shown in chief 10 ?
how do we get the angular champher for corner walls in chief 16?
In chief 10 when we create any glazing window and import it in max the glazing is a single glass plane without running any max script but in chief 16 we are getting 2 glass planes overlapping each other. How do we get only 1 glass plane in chief 16?