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Everything posted by radllc

  1. Is the a way to specify requirements for a weight bearing area like this (attached) such that it auto-generates or do I need to draw this after autogenerating my primary foundation? Note that walls above do not follow what I have pictured as it is a specific footing structure I need to build that is holding up the center roof structure of the building (re: stud posts above).
  2. Thanks all for the input. I ended up removing the materials on inner walls. It greatly simplified my dimensioning and layout for the project I am working on.
  3. I am really asking more about the program. I am not new to architecture and engineering. I do understanding stud placement and such. My question is really about how the program works when you place a stairs in the example I gave above. I think what I hear you saying is I can start with raw studs first and then add wall materials after. I just did not see an easy way to do that without starting with walls that have the base materials such a sheetrock built on to it already at the point I am drawing the floor plan.
  4. Thanks - that is helpful. So when you are placing stairs, are you typically just overlaying the sheetrock that was placed on each side wall edging and expanding the stairs stud to stud?
  5. Hi, very new to the program. I am setting wall types and drawing a plan with 1/2" material on each side of my 2 x 4 internal walls; hence the wall size is 4.5". When I review plans, I do see it is very typical to show the full wall sizes rather than stud wall sizing on plans. I can get dimensioning to work to correctly show stud to stud dimensions; so that when the structure is being built, the measurements are not off in that the crew understands where to place stud walls. The issue I am having as an example is placing a stairs or a post. Since the walls are drawn with wall materials on them, when placing a post, it is going to be off by 1/2" due to the material on the end cap of the wall (in the case of the plan I am drawing. Same for stairs, which are placed between bare studs; so there may be material on one side of the wall versus the other where the stairs is placed. My question is, is there an easy way to control this when placing certain objects, or on plans, do you not worry about an 1/2". I am trying to get my plans exact (and again I new); so I don't really know what the general practice is. Thanks.