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Everything posted by Brian-TKBD

  1. The architect/engineer provided me the plans. I imported the PDF and traced the floor plan and set the scale. From there I did all the interior designs for the home. Now we are moving to doing some landscape work and when I was looking for the terrain or plot plan views I noticed those were missing as well as many others. I have since found the parcel through my county assessors site but it imports several parcels in a PDF. Now I need to trace my parcel in. I am hoping I can import the other completed plans. Bare in mind I am self taught watching lots of videos, but believe I should take a course on the basics just not sure where to start.
  2. Yes, if I recall I used the default residential template. I cannot remember if I modified it since it's been a while since I started the original project and traced in the floor plan from a PDF. I think I need to take a class I have watched a lot of videos but most are for the older versions and if I don't use CA consistently than I forget . I am hoping I turned a feature or setting off so I can just enable to use in my existing plans.
  3. I am using Chief Architect X15 and for some reason when I select Terrain configuration and want to change plan views I don't have the option for Terrain plan view. Maybe it's not a big deal and I can still do some of the landscape stuff without Terrain Plan view. I am just confused as to why I don't have a lot more plan views available.
  4. Sorry. As I said learning and don't know the lingo. I imported PDF architectural drawings and traced the floor plan and from their designed all the rooms to be remodeled. Now I would like to do some landscaping but appears I don't have the ability to change to the Terrain plan view for that portion. I know I am missing something as I am a newbie. Thanks
  5. Sorry for the long title. I created a plan for a remodel project by scanning in floor plans. Now I would like to work on some landscaping for this home and I cannot change to Terrain Plan view since it's not an option given. Is there a way to turn that option on or do I need to start a new plan and import these plans into it? Sorry, but still learning this program and didn't find anything when searching. Thanks for your help.