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Posts posted by Yannik

  1. Thank you very much for that extensive video response. I just assumed that I should be able to snap to things like trim but it looks like it isn't as simple as that in Chief Architect.

    I do have the object snaps option in X14 but it definitely does not snap to the trim of windows or doors or base. I can snap to certain items like drywall, siding, foundation, and framing as far as I can tell.


    I do really like the work around of converting to CAD view and then copying the items into the section view. I will most likely be doing that for wainscoting since it seems like the option with the most versatility.


    Thank you again.

  2. I am trying to create wainscoting per this video: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/404/design-wainscoting-for-walls-and-stairways.html?playlist=89


    For someone reason the polylines will not snap to the door or window casings. Or really anything other than the sheetrock on the walls. This causes things to overlap strangely. I can get close by manually entering the length of the polyline but I feel like I'm missing something. It seems I should be able to snap to things like moldings etc. right?


    I am working in back clipped cross section view but it won't snap in plan view either.







  3. I have searched this forum extensively without finding an answer to something that seems like a common issue to a new user. I have a standard staircase (no turn or landing) with one side open to the living room. I put a powder room and MDF room under the stairs per the instructions on creating a room under stairs.


    The one thing I cannot figure out is how to have the wall match the flare of the stairs at the bottom. I tried curving the wall manually but it never quite fits and won't join properly even if I get close.


    Coming from Revit this seems like a super simple issue but maybe in Chief Architect it is more complicated?


    Thank you in advance for any advice.




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  4. 36 minutes ago, solver said:

    Chief probably works differently than Revit and AutoCAD. Here are two videos on changing the 3D part of the symbol. There are other methods and which one you choose will depend on what you want to do (see the 3rd video below for another method).

    A bit of searching -- the Chief website is a good place to start, should find info on doing the 2D.


    And welcome to ChiefTalk. Please take a minute to complete your signature as it helps others help you. Short video how to: https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/18908-signature-here-at-chief-talk/?do=findComment&comment=155662






    Kind of blew my mind how simple yet complicated it is. Coming from Revit I assumed you had to edit the symbol (didn't know it was called symbol) in a separate window/view and then load it into the project. The fact that I can just make changes like that didn't even occur to me.


    Thank you very much.

  5. 1 minute ago, Chopsaw said:


    Editing symbols is a little complicated but before you get lost in that process a closet shelf is a regular shelf with a rod. You don't want the rod so just use a regular shelf.

    Yeah this was just an easy example before I start talking about editing more complicated items. It is more about the fundamentals of how to customize core library items.

  6. I am fairly new to Chief Architect, coming from Revit and AutoCAD. I am running into what seems like a fundamental issue.


    How do I edit things I placed into the user catalog? Not just how it displays in plan view but actually change the 3D geometry. For example, I copied the shelf "Closet Shelf w/ Rod" from the Core Catalog and am trying to delete the rod. I am sure there are easier ways to get just a plain wood shelf but I figured this would be as simple as editing a family in Revit and loading it back in.



    I right click on it, go to "Edit CAD Block" and then I delete the rod in the new window. How do I save this change? There doesn't seem to be an option to save these changes. When I close the tab it asks me if I want to save the changes but when I hit "Save" nothing happens. When I open it back up the rod is right back where it was. It seems I can only copy and paste this into the plan but then it doesn't show up in the 3D view.


    Is this not how Chief Architect works or is this a user error? Do I maybe have a corrupted version and should reinstall (this has happend to me with Revit before)?


    Feels like this should be super simple.