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  1. Hi Alan, Don't know if you still need Design svs. We have used Chief Architect since 2010. We are located in CA. We research and submit plans to the city according to their requirements. Beth LaChatie LCI Design & Collections Email: 858.414.6810
  2. In the San Diego area if this is good. Need to see what you have and like to discuss afterwards. Beth LaChatie Principal O: 858.484.6016 C: 858.414.6810 E:
  3. Located in California. LCI - Design & Collections San Diego, CA 92130 Beth LaChatie 858.414.6810
  4. Do you need someone to do the Site Plan + convert to a DWG File? I can do this. Beth LaChatie 858.484.6016 LCI- Design & Collections San Diego, Ca 92130