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Posts posted by rpoulin

  1. Ok thank you - i do progress !


    Now i have something like this, and when i add the roof i get this result in 3D ...Ceiling height problems again?  - By the way i want gable roofs but unable to get it (i'm following the instructions)!




  2. Hello - I use that menu <Duplicate> or <Create>. I do not want to duplicate the first floor except for the main room (see figure - the red area). When i do create the room does not show in 3D. Further more i can't really work on a second floor since i always have this message popping all the time "A room has a negative ceiling..."  which i do not see in any of the room and i'm unable to fix it ( Reference Support Number: KB-00724 ): There must be something wrong in the first floor configuration- What i would need is someone to fix the first floor right ;)  . Thanks  


  3. Hello - i'm testing Chief Architect and i cannot resolve this simple task ¨adding a second floor on top of my first floor on this plan. I have put two pictures. The first one is my actual plan missing the second floor and walls and roofs  The second picture is the 'what i would like' picture . Roof is as shown on pictures 1 and 3, singles 2 sided roof over the house (open gable type) . If anyone can please help me it would be greatly appreciated. I have been working all day resolving how to put the second floor but i do not understand how to resolve the celling, floor etc. measurements. I have included my plan ... THanks a lot. 



