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  1. Thank you for the compliment! I dang near tried everything. I will reach out to tech support tomorrow. I completely redrew the plan and just focused on one room at a time thinking maybe I didn't have enough memory for all the materials I wanted and now some of the materials and finishes are blacking out during the rendering process. Something else is going on that is way above my paygrade. I appreciate your help and support.
  2. Here is an interior shot. Hopefully this one works. Test Trim.mp4
  3. I was using 30 and even tried 45. Also turned down the compression to 30%. Tried rendering shorter splines and just interior shots. It all turns out the same. (See short clip attached) FullSizeRender.MOV
  4. I have rendered quite a few walkthroughs and have never had this issue. The frames are choppy and unsteady no matter what I do. Has anyone else experienced this? Is there a remedy?