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Posts posted by BuilderP

  1. 55 minutes ago, SNestor said:


    Open the room just to the north of the lower deck...the room with the kitchen. In this room...change the "slab pour" number back to #1.  That'll fix it. 2024-02-06_15-11-25.thumb.png.62962a2e06c352c01e8c04bbcd1bcba2.png


    Thank you! I never would've found that solution. I honestly don't understand what the "slab pour" number does or how it got set to a different number for that room. Thank you for your help. This was driving me bananas.

  2. I am mocking up a space I am adding to my home. The existing home is not shown in this plan version, just the addition. I am having trouble getting the deck framing correct. When I draw the deck perimeter using the straight deck rail tool, Chief automatically generates the framing but runs the deck joists and planks all the way under the sill plate for the exterior walls of my living space. Why? I have tried changing various default framing settings but have not found the correct one. Plan file attached in zipped folder. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  3. 6 minutes ago, DBCooper said:

    Framing spacing can also be set in the wall type definition.  If it is set to "use default" it will use what is in the framing defaults.  If it is set to something else, then you are overriding the wall defaults for every wall using that wall type.


    What about if the wall type does not have any framing specifications? That section is greyed out by default. I assumed that if no framing overrides were specified in a wall type that the overall plan framing settings? I feel like I’m missing a setting someplace that my plan wide framing setting was not applied.

  4. Ok- after beating my head on this for hours today to no avail, I took a break after posting this cry for help. This time when I edited the wall type, I realized that the framing override can be applied individually to each layer of the wall (regardless of what type of material it is). The default is for the top layer on the list, whereas in my case actual framing was the fourth layer. Overriding framing here fixed the issue.


     I’m still curious to know why the program was drawing studs at 24”oc instead of the 16” I specified in the defaults….

  5. I just finished drawing a room. I clicked on a wall and then the “display framing for selected wall icon”. Everything looked fine except that the studs were all on 24” centers instead of the 16” centers I specified in the framing defaults. If I try to override it by specifying framing in the wall type definition, it messes up the “display framing for selected wall” view by showing the original framing on the bottom of the screen and the new framing (minus headers for some reason) on the top half of the screen. What am I doing wrong??


     Thank you :-)


     Chief Architect X15

     Build Windows 64-bitIMG_5261.thumb.jpeg.50be30769d8249c287340b627f2ce22d.jpegIMG_5262.thumb.jpeg.4aff0700d1b2814e71301cf95636afab.jpegIMG_5260.thumb.jpeg.652d49fa1fe5342d49fd7d57746b1626.jpeg

  6. I am struggling to figure out how to change the default position of the callout labels in my plan view. All of my window and door callouts are centered on the door/window which makes reading the window callout nearly impossible. Is there a way to have the callouts offset to the side of their object?