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Posts posted by StevoC

  1. Thanks for the help. I have attached a camera view of the wall. The window length was an attempt to use up some of the wall. The planning permit will only let me use windows that are 1.8M above floor height so as not to invade the privacy of our next door neighbor. Load of rot but I have to tick the box. As can be seen the wall is a lot of space. I'm looking at shortening the window length and adding the false eave to break up the wall. I'm open to suggestions if anyone can come up with a better solution keeping in mind that I have to keep within the heritage design thing.   

    House Plan 20141107-Full Camera Image.pdf

  2. I have a large expanse of wall that I want to break up by adding a gable eave out from the wall. The wall has a roof plane at 40 Deg on one side with an eave and the other roof plane at 22 Deg on the other side also with an eave. This side has a vertical wall to allow for windows hence the different pitches. The problem is that I end up with a very large expanse of plane looking wall. Wen finished this wall will have a rough cast render in keeping with the rest of the house. Our house has a heritage overlay (Edwardian) and I would like to put a decorative eave (40 Deg) out from the wall to pick up the steep side about 2/3 up to keep in the Edwardian theme of gables. Can anyone suggest a way of adding it to my drawing?