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Everything posted by Waterwalker

  1. go Hello Everyone, Nickie new guy here looking for some recommendation and advice on a U shaped staircase with a couple of landings. I purchased this home that has a detached 2 story shop, the exterior staircase that leads to the 2nd story has a hand rail that is obviously not to code. And I need to correct (half newals are 2 x 4's nailed to the open string and also missing balusters). Additionally, post that are support the first landing are just buried into base rock (no concrete pier). Those are both easy repiars. However, I don't understand why there is one 2 x 4 that travels from the first flight all the way to the 2nd flight and appears to be part to the railing system. Is that also a structural support (see below)? Can this be removed? Do I need to add additional vertical posts to support the top landing and top open string? Do you see anything else that is wrong? I thank you in advance for your thoughts and recommendations!! Waterwalker