
Chief Architect
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Community Answers

  1. Ryan-M's post in Issue - My Render is Coming Out Pixelated when Looking at Exterior Through a Window was marked as the answer   
    The pixelation through the windows in your first two images look similar to an issue that we addressed in the 26.2 release.  I believe you can still get it to happen, but my understanding is that it will only happen if your plan is very far from the origin so that might be something to check.
    In your last image with the water, it looks like poor denoising (on the water itself).  X16 sometimes struggles to remove noise on transparent (refractive) surfaces.  We expect this to be improved in X17.
  2. Ryan-M's post in Lights on for two levels RT was marked as the answer   
    In the Adjust Lights Dialog, switch to using a Light Set and you can explicitly control which lights are on.  When using Automatic lighting, Chief will only turn on lights on the floor that the camera is on, starting in the room that the camera is in when a rebuild or refresh last occurred.

  3. Ryan-M's post in Lighting Turns Off/On Seemingly With Random Changes was marked as the answer   
    If you turn shadows on the sun will remain on and the change will be less drastic.  There will still be some change because we place a default light in rooms that don't have any lights in them, and that will turn on when your camera is determined to be inside that room.