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Everything posted by TyvanDesign

  1. ***Bump*** Following up to see if this use case is something most users of cheif are avoiding for reasons I'm unaware of? Based on the limited fourm posts it seems even users with rtx2070 are having subpar performance with the VR aspect. Is real time ray tracing or virtual reality something that still needs additional development before being ready for a client facing deployment? I would prefer to keep the rendering & virtual reality within the cheif environment vs exporting the model to 3rd party software.
  2. Looking to offer clients onsite virtual reality experiences with rtrt. However I am unable to find a definitive answer on the hardware requirements for this. I am looking to utilize the oculus quest 2 with a link cable. Chief outlines a 8gb 3080 but says to rely on the headset hardware requirements. However I’m hesitant to purchase a $2500 laptop for this purpose if the user experience will be substandard even with the recommended hardware. Does anyone have experience in this realm, what are your hardware specs?