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Posts posted by ksolid

  1. A vector view (live view) in layout will become misaligned by 6" or more when refreshed. It can be fixed by zooming into the view before refreshing - however, this problem happens when printing and you can't zoom in the print-preview window to help it re-allign. This view problem is printed with the PDF or paper-printer. The problem misaligns dimensions and walls on elevation or section views as if they are on two layers that shifted independent from each other. In the attached pictures, notice how the roof peak is not aligned, and it shows 2.

    I have the same problem with Plot Line view IF i select add color. The issue seems to be between the coloring and the vector lines not matching up.

    Yes, I know it will "refresh" before printing... however, this is after refreshing, so this error is in the printed documents, PDF or printer.

    Also, it comes and goes... a few hours ago I printed a set just fine... now not.



    Misaligned Bathroom.png

    Good Bathroom.png