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Everything posted by carlymckenzie86

  1. Hello Chief Talk members. Currently I used X12. I have been searching all over Google, Chief's YouTube, and the video section on their website to find an older instructional video about how to create as-built overlays. Im wondering if anyone else is familiar with the video Im referencing or can find a link to it. I would forever be in your debt. I am trying to find the video so I can use it as a training tool for a new hire. I would like to train them to do the same process I use, but I learned how to do it based on this video I cant find. I remember the floorplan being used in the video was smaller, they showed the process of doing a detail view, then changing the color of everything to red, creating a block, adding the block to the library, and then showing how to add it to the plan on a layer that you can turn off and on. So far the only ones I can find are referencing as-built overlays "in 2D and 3D", but the original video did not reference this or get into the 3D instructions at all. I am not interested in using the 3D version, or some of the process they are showing in the video. Any help or links to suggested videos would be super helpful! Thank you.