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Posts posted by BalutFX

  1. I had seen that the recommended system for Mac was changed to M3 (which I have), but just saw the upcoming sneak peek webinar for X16 officially advertising the ability for Ray Trace on the Mac. Yay.


    "There are many great new features coming in Chief Architect X16—Mac ray tracing"


    Screenshot 2024-04-26 at 10.31.54.png

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  2. Resurrecting a bit of an old topic, but I am struggling with getting the ceiling planes and trusses to build correctly for this type of truss.  The red marks show where the truss sit on the external walls.  BTW, I can do this in X15, but my X15 subscription is up 16 Jan 2024 and I do not plan to renew.  Currently trying to re-build this in X14 so I can save and continue small edits in my Home Designer 2023 software.  My other option is to rent HDP 2024 for the few months I need to tweak the plan, so I can just use the X15 file.  Thanks.



    Great Room Truss.png

  3. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, but I cannot figure out how to keep the subfloor from extending past the wall into the garage.  I can manually adjust the wall (which I have as an Interior 6 wall), but the subfloor continues to poke through.  Appreciate any help or suggestions.  Thanks.


    Thought I would pass along the solution I received from CA Support, as it doesn’t appear to be an obvious fix. I also had to manually adjust the stem wall height, but now it is all displaying correctly. 


    It's a bit of an odd situation that has to do with the platforms of the Garage and the neighboring rooms being at different heights, as well as the floor platforms being hung. To keep the subfloor from generating past where it should, you'll want to open the stem wall separating the Garage from the neighboring room and check the option Subflooring to Wall Interior in the Structure panel.


    Room as Garage.jpg

    Bigfork Build - 22 Apr 2023.plan

  4. I haven't tried yet, but I'm pretty sure I would be able to do it.  I would just need to make sure the door and hardware are their own separate unique materials, so they come into Twinmotion as separate objects, then use the rotate tool in Twinmotion to animate them on the same axis.  But I need to figure out the origin issue for the trees as that is my main issue.

  5. Ok, so it's definitely a materials issue.  I changed all the items of the door to a red color (not used anywhere else in the plan) and imported into Twinmotion.  That translated to a single object in Twinmotion. I should have figured that out from watching previous tutorials on importing Chief Architect plans into Twinmotion, but at least I verified why objects are grouped together in the imported model.  I have a partial plan for tree replacement issue, but I still need to figure-out the origin problem.  I need the trees in my plan to have individual origins on the import, but it looks like it will still default to 0-0-0 for all items.  Hoping anyone else can help me figure this one out.  Thanks.  BTW, the pic below is a new test plan I drew in Chief with the back left wall starting at 0-0 (didn't save the first one).  That's why the origin is different from my previous post.



    Screenshot 2023-02-05 at 08.32.40.png

  6. Thanks for the link to that tutorial, but I don't think that is the solution I am looking for. I had already viewed that video.  The problem is selecting the object in my Twinmotion import (door in this case),  also selects the windows and the origin is not located on the door.  Granted, I haven't tried placing the rotate tool from Twinmotion on the door and linking, but I feel it would just end-up rotating the windows too, since they are recognized as one object along with the door.  I'm thinking it is a materials issue with the import of the Chief Architect plan into Twinmotion, but I haven't tried assigning a unique material to the objects I want separated yet; perhaps I will try that next.  In any case, my main objective is to be an able to use the replace object on the trees in my imported plan.  Thanks again for the link.

  7. I've searched the forum and can't find anything that discusses this issue, so please excuse me if this has already been answered.  I have been experimenting with Twinmotion over the past 6 months.  I am able to successfully export my plan to a DAE file, import it into Twinmotion, and adjust materials and location.  However, I want to use the trees from Twinmotion and recently discovered that all of the objects in my plan import into Twinmotion with the same X-Y-Z origin.  I was hoping to use the object replace function to replace the various types of trees in my imported plan, but cannot since they come in as all one object.  I also want to use the rotate function in Twinmotion to animate opening doors, but again most of the objects import as a single object (or asset) with single origin).  I created a simple plan for this post and exported it into Twinmotion to demonstrate my issue.  I selected just the door, but that grabs the door and windows with a single origin.  I did use keep hierarchy when importing.  Thanks for any help.

    Screenshot 2023-02-04 at 12.07.37.png

  8. Please excuse the Newb question.  I am trying to find an easier way to model the trim pieces shown in the attached photo for the exterior side of a pony wall.  We plan to use corrugated metal similar to the pictured home (which was completed by my builder).  I know how to include the wall cap, but aside from manually creating the trim for all the walls, I was hoping for an easier solution.  Thanks.


    Trim Question.png